Inclusivity Coaching For Empathic Leaders

Are you a servant leader or leader who leads from the heart seeking to create a more inclusive and equitable work culture for your LGBTQ+ employees? Are you seeking to build more understanding and support within your team or organization?

Creating a safe and inclusive work environment can bolster morale, improve communication, and even be a catalyst for growth as an organization or team. But for a heart-led leader, deeper than that lies an important truth: inclusion is tantamount to true leadership and service.

With values of compassion, understanding, purpose, and developing others, as a servant leader, you hold a powerful set of characteristics which strengthen your ability to include others. Sometimes, though, the desire to get it right and fear of getting it wrong can get in the way of taking action. Or sometimes it’s hard to know where to start or what to say (or what not to say).

Through LGBTQ+ inclusion coaching and consultation, I assist leaders like you in fostering inclusive cultures for teams and organizations. I draw on my experience as a LGBTQ+ person as well as my skills, knowledge, and experience in leadership, training and teaching, and as a coach and former therapist.

1:1 Leadership Coaching

Are you looking to expand your own inclusion skills as a leader and receive support as you work toward creating and implementing a plan for more inclusion? Together, we assess your current needs, situation, and strengths; help you create goals and milestones; empower you to strategize and take action; and partner with you for maintaining progress.

Charity was extremely helpful in my efforts to become a more inclusive manager at work.  As a cis-gender straight male working with several LGBTQ+ employees, Charity helped me increase my awareness around inclusive/harmful language and build empathy for the people on my team.  

G.S. – Nonprofit Executive Director

Coaching provides accountability, focuses on direct actions, and maximizes strengths in a partnership to help you meet your goals. If you would like to explore working together, book a free discovery call with me.

Inclusivity Training

Are you looking for a training or workshop for LGBTQ+ inclusion for your organization or team? With a penchant for meeting people where they are in order to help bring them toward more understanding and inclusion, I also provide trainings for understanding LGBTQ+ terminology, respecting pronouns, developing empathy for and recognizing disparities for LGBTQ+ populations, and more. I’ve provided “Safe Space” style trainings to schools, churches, colleges, nonprofits, and to a variety of leaders, business owners, community organizers, and educators for over a decade. Schedule a call with me to discuss bringing one of these trainings or creating a custom training for the needs of your group.

“Charity’s ability to present complex issues in a safe and informative manner is remarkable. Her approach to presenting information and reacting to questions allowed our faculty and staff to hear and understand the important information she was sharing with us.”


To incorporate best practices for inclusion, consulting an outside knowledgable source serves as a powerful tool for implementing change from documents, to inclusive language, to policies. Drawing from my experience as both a member of the LGBTQ+ community and my experience in training others in being more inclusive and welcoming, I can assist you in creating and taking action on a plan for making your organization or team more inclusive. I also am available for review of document and printed/website materials for inclusive language.

For trainings or consultation, schedule a free 30 minute call to talk over your needs and what it would look like to work together.